Roger M.W. Musson
This list contains all my publications since 1980 with the exception of confidential reports. Many are available from NORA ( There is a certain amount of duplication, since often, what was issued initially as an internal BGS report was later published in a journal. I have not attempted to weed out all these cases.
Musson, R.M.W., 1980. WIZMAP: A user's guide, IGS Global Seismology Unit Report No 134.
Neilson, G., Burton, P.W. and Musson, R.M.W., 1983. A provisional catalogue of Scottish earthquakes of local magnitude 3.5 or greater, IGS Global Seismology Unit Report No 168.
Neilson, G., Musson, R.M.W., and Burton, P.W., 1983. The "London" earthquake of 1580 April 6, IGS Global Seismology Unit Report No 169 (2 vols).
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1984. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes I: Northwest England and Southwest Scotland, BGS Global Seismology Report No 207 (2 vols).
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1984. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes II: North Wales and Irish Sea, BGS Global Seismology Report No 208.
Neilson, G., Musson, R.M.W. and Burton, P.W., 1984. The "London" earthquake of 1580 April 6, Engineering Geology, vol 20, pp 113‑142.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1984. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes III: Central and West Scotland, BGS Global Seismology Report No 209.
Burton, P.W., Musson, R.M.W. and Neilson, G., 1984. Macroseismic report on historical British earthquakes IV: Lancashire and Yorkshire, BGS Global Seismology Report No. 219 (2 vols).
Neilson, G., Musson, R.M.W. and Burton, P.W., 1984. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes V: Midlands, BGS Global Seismology Report No 228 (2 vols).
Neilson, G., Musson, R.M.W. and Burton, P.W., 1984. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes VI: The South and Southwest of England, BGS Global Seismology Report No 231.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1984. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes VII: North Scotland, BGS Global Seismology Report No 232.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1984. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes VIII: South Wales, BGS Global Seismology Report No 233 (2 vols).
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1984. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes IX: Dover Straits. BGS Global Seismology Report No 234.
Burton, P.W., Musson, R.M.W. and Neilson, G., 1984. Studies of historical British earthquakes, BGS Global Seismology Report No 237.
Turbitt, T., Barker, E.J., Browitt, C.W.A., Howells, M., Marrow, P.C., Musson, R.M.W., Newmark, R.H., Redmayne, D.W. and Walker, A.B., 1984. The earthquake of 19 July 1984, Lleyn Peninsula, UK (Magnitude 5.4), BGS Global Seismology Report No 239.
Burton, P.W., McGonigle, R., Neilson, G. and Musson, R.M.W., 1985. Macroseismic focal depth and intensity attenuation for British earthquakes, in Earthquake Engineering in Britain, Telford, London.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1985. Two historical North Wales earthquakes: a macroseismic comparison, BGS Global Seismology Report No 256.
Musson, R.M.W., 1985. The use of newspaper data in studies of historical British earthquakes, BGS Global Seismology Report No 257.
Musson, R.M.W., 1985. On a new variant of the Modified Mercalli intensity scale, BGS Global Seismology Report No 264.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1985. A comparison of two historical earthquakes in North Wales, in Earthquake Engineering in Britain, Telford, London.
Turbitt, T., Barker, E.J., Browitt, C.W.A., Howells, M., Marrow, P.C., Musson, R.M.W., Newmark, R.H., Redmayne, D.W., Walker, A.B., Jacob, A.W.B., Ryan, E. and Ward, V., 1985. The North Wales earthquake of 19 July 1984, J. Geol. Soc., vol 142, pp 567‑571.
Burton, P.W. and Musson, R.M.W., 1986. A provisional catalogue of earthquakes in Wales and the Marches, BGS Global Seismology Report No 271.
Neilson, G., Musson, R.M.W. and Burton, P.W., 1986 Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes XI: 1931 Jun 7 North Sea, BGS Global Seismology Report No 280.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1986. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes XII: 1927 January 24 North Sea, BGS Global Seismology Report No 281.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1986. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes XIII: 1852 November 9 Irish Sea, BGS Global Seismology Report No 283.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1986. The 1852 November 9 Irish Sea earthquake, Geophys. J. R.A.S., vol 85, p270.
Redmayne, D.W. and Musson, R.M.W., 1986. The magnitude 3.5 ML Dunoon earthquake of 16 September 1985, Geophys. J. R.A.S., vol 85, p269.
Musson, R.M.W., 1986. The use of newspaper data in historical earthquake studies, Disasters, vol 10, pp 217‑223.
Musson, R.M.W. and Redmayne, D.W., 1986. Historical earthquakes in the Dunoon area, BGS Global Seismology Report No 312.
Musson, R.M.W. Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1986. Two historical North Wales earthquakes - a macroseismic comparison, Engineering Geology, vol 23, pp 81‑94.
Turbitt, T. (ed), Ford, G.D., Marrow, P.C., Musson, R.M.W., Newmark, R.H., Redmayne, D.W., Ritchie, M.E.A., Ross, K.P. and Walker, A.B., 1987. Bulletin of British earthquakes 1985, BGS Global Seismology Report No 303.
Musson, R.M.W., 1987. Seismicity of Southwest Scotland and Northwest England; with a catalogue of earthquakes within 75 km of Chapelcross, BGS Global Seismology Report No 316.
Redmayne, D.W. and Musson, R.M.W., 1987. The Dunoon earthquake of 16 September 1985, BGS Global Seismology Report No 311.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1987. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes X: The Great Glen, BGS Global Seismology Report No 347.
Musson, R.M.W., Ritchie, M.A.E. and Innes, I., 1988. The Isle of Man earthquake of 9 November 1987, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/88/9.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1988. The 1890 Inverness earthquake sequence, Geophys. J. R.A.S. vol 92, p527.
Musson, R.M.W., 1988. Catalogue of WWSSN microfilm in the NERC seismogram microfilm library, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/88/3.
Musson, R.M.W., 1988. Report on a field trip to the epicentral area of the 1884 April 22 Colchester earthquake, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/88/6.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton P.W., 1988. The 1884 April 22 Colchester earthquake, Proceedings of the symposium on calibration of historical earthquakes in Europe and recent developments in intensity interpretation, ESC, Sofia, 23‑28 August 1988, Cursos y Seminarios, vol 3, pp 243‑256.
Turbitt, T. (ed), Atkins, M.J., Galloway, D.D., Innes, I.M., Marrow, P.C., Musson, R.M.W., Newmark, R.H., Redmayne, D.W., Richards, J.A., Ritchie, M.E.A., Simpson, B.A., Smith, A.D. and Walker, A.B., 1989. Bulletin of British earthquakes 1987, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/89/9.
Musson, R.M.W., 1989. Seismicity of Cornwall and Devon, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/89/11.
Musson, R.M.W., 1989. The 1941 North Wales earthquake sequence, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/89/14.
Musson, R.M.W., 1989. Accuracy of historical earthquake locations in Britain, Geol. Mag., vol 126, pp 685‑689.
Musson, R.M.W., 1989. Seismic hazard assessment for Fort William, BGS Seismology Report No WL/9/39.
Turbitt, T. (ed), Galloway, D.D., Hunt, N.S., Marrow, P.C., Musson, R.M.W., Redmayne, D.W., Richards, J.A., Ritchie, M.E.A., Simpson, B., and Walker, A.B., 1990. Bulletin of British earthquakes 1988, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/90/3.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. The 3 July 1862 Thurso earthquake, BGS Seismology Report No WL/90/10.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. Deadly British earthquakes, Geophys. Jnl. International, vol 101, p293.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. The 16 November 1847 Newport earthquake, BGS Seismology Report No WL/90/23.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. Fatalities in British earthquakes, BGS Seismology Report No WL/90/26.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. Report on the first workshop on the updating of the MSK‑81 intensity scale, at Zurich, 7‑8 June 1990, BGS Seismology Report No WL/90/27.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. A provisional catalogue of UK earthquakes greater than 4 ML, 1700‑1990, BGS Seismology Report No WL/90/28.
Ritchie, M.E.A., Musson, R.M.W. and Woodcock, N.H., 1990. The Bishop's Castle earthquake of 2 April 1990, BGS Seismology Report No WL/90/32.
Musson, R.M.W., Neilson, G. and Burton, P.W., 1990. Macroseismic reports on historical British earthquakes XIV: 22 April 1884 Colchester, BGS Seismology Report No WL/90/33.
Ritchie, M.E.A., Musson, R.M.W. and Woodcock, N.H., 1990. The Bishop's Castle earthquake of 2 April 1990, Terra Nova, vol 2, pp 390‑400.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. First Workshop on updating the MSK‑81 intensity scale, SECED Newsletter, vol 4, pp 4‑5.
Ritchie, M.E.A., and Musson, R.M.W., 1990. Bishop's Castle earthquake, SECED Newsletter, vol 4, pp 7‑9.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. The Colchester forgeries: faking photographic evidence of earthquake data, Terra Nova, vol 2, pp 661-663.
Ritchie, M.E.A. and Musson, R.M.W., 1990. The Shrewsbury earthquake of 10 July 1990, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/90/43.
Turbitt, T. (ed), Galloway, D.D., Hunt, N.S., Marrow, P.C., Musson, R.M.W., Redmayne, D.W., Richards, J.A., Ritchie, M.E.A., Simpson, B., and Walker, A.B., 1990. Bulletin of British earthquakes 1989, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/90/49.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. The seismicity of West and Central Africa, in Freeth, S., Onuoha, K.M. and Ofoegbu, C.O. (eds), Natural hazards in West and Central Africa, Vieweg Publishing, Wiesbaden.
Musson, R.M.W., 1990. An unknown 18th century seismological manuscript, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., vol 80, pp 1026‑1027.
Musson, R.M.W., 1991. Macroseismic effects of the 17 March 1871 Kendal earthquake, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/91/17.
Musson, R.M.W., 1991. The 17 March 1871 Appleby earthquake, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/91/28.
Musson, R.M.W., 1991. A provisional earthquake catalogue for the Hong Kong Region, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/91/39.
Turbitt, T. (ed), Galloway, D.D., Ford, G.D., Hunt, N.S., Marrow, P.C., Musson, R.M.W., Redmayne, D.W., Richards, J.A., Ritchie, M.E.A., Simpson, B., Towell, J.H., Walker, A.B. and Wright, F., 1991. Bulletin of British earthquakes 1990, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/91/34.
Musson, R.M.W., 1991. The use of the MSK intensity scale in the study of British earthquakes, in Kozák, J., (ed) Proc. 3rd Int. Sym. on Hist. Eqs in Europe, Liblice, April 1990, Geoph. Inst. Czech. Acad. Sci., Prague.
Musson, R.M.W., 1991. Pictorial representations of damage in historical British earthquakes, in Kozák, J., (ed) Proc. 3rd Int. Sym. on Hist. Eqs in Europe, Liblice, April 1990, Geoph. Inst. Czech. Acad. Sci., Prague.
Musson, R.M.W., 1991. The Earl's Burn dam burst of 1839: An earthquake triggered dam failure in the UK?, Dams & Reservoirs, vol 1, pp 20‑23.
Musson, R.M.W., 1992. Seismicity of Sandwich, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/92/08.
Whittaker, A., Musson, R.M.W., Brereton, N.R., Busby, J.P., Evans, C.D.R., Evans, C.J. and Evans, R.B., 1992. A review of the crustal structure and seismotectonics pertinent to Hong Kong, BGS Technical Report No WC/92/17.
Musson, R.M.W., 1992. A report on the seismological archives at Strasbourg, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/92/31.
Musson, R.M.W., 1992. Routine macroseismic monitoring in the UK, in Cecić, I., (ed) Proc. 2nd AB Workshop on Macroseismic Methods, Poljce, Yugoslavia, 15-18 Oct 1990, Seismological Survey of Slovenia, Ljubljana.
Musson, R.M.W., 1992. Single diagnostic analysis of earthquake effects, in Cecić, I., (ed) Proc. 2nd AB Workshop on Macroseismic Methods, Poljce, Yugoslavia, 15-18 Oct 1990, Seismological Survey of Slovenia, Ljubljana. (Also as BGS Global Seimology Report No WL/91/14.)
Musson, R.M.W. and Henni, P., 1992. Felt effects in the UK of the 13 April 1992 Roermond earthquake, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/92/33.
Gutdeutsch, R., Grünthal, G. and Musson, R.M.W., (eds) 1992. Historical earthquakes in Central Europe vol 1, Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Band 48, Vienna.
Musson, R.M.W., 1992. Sudden destruction: the effects of earthquakes on human affairs, Geographical Magazine, vol 64 no9 pp 45-48.
Margottini, C., Kozák, J., Musson, R.M.W. and Ragusa, M.R., 1992. Terremoti in Italia dal 62 AD al 1908, ENEA, Rome.
Musson, R.M.W., 1993. Guide to the use of the MSK-92 intensity scale, in Grünthal, G., (ed), European Macroseismic Scale 1992 (updated MSK Scale), Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie no 6, Luxembourg.
Musson, R.M.W., 1993. Examples of intensity assignment, in Grünthal, G., (ed), European Macroseismic Scale 1992 (updated MSK Scale), Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie no 6, Luxembourg.
Marrow, P.C. and Musson, R.M.W., 1993. Magnitude measurement and acceleration attenuation, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/93/04.
Walker, A.B., Ford, G.D. and Musson, R.M.W., 1993. The Caernarfon Bay earthquake, 29 July 1992 (3.5 ML), BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/93/05.
Musson, R.M.W. and Winter, P., 1993. Seismic hazard methodology for a hazard map of the UK, AEA Technology Consultancy Services (SRD) Report No GNSR(DTI)p(93)149.
Loudon, T.V., Graham, C.C., Jones, R.C., Mould, A.S. and Musson R.M.W., 1993. Guidelines concerning geographical co-ordinates in BGS, BGS Technical Report No WO/93/10.
Musson, R.M.W., 1993. Earthquakes in the Isle of Man, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/93/10.
Winter, P.W., Ford, P.J., Phillips, D.W. and Musson, R.M.W., 1993. A questionnaire for European approaches to seismic hazard, AEA Technology Consultancy Services (SRD) Report No GNSR(DTI)p(93)154.
Browitt, C.W.A. and Musson, R.M.W., 1993. Earthquake hazards and risk, Earthwise, vol 1 no 3, pp 34-35.
Musson, R.M.W., 1993. Macroseismic magnitude and depth for British earthquakes, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/93/13.
Musson, R.M.W., 1993. Seismicity of South Yorkshire, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/93/14c.
Musson, R.M.W., 1993. Comrie: a historical Scottish earthquake swarm and its place in the history of seismology, Terra Nova, vol 5, pp 477-480.
Musson, R.M.W., 1993. Discovery of a curious seismological monument from 19th century Scotland, Terra Nova, vol 5, p513.
Musson, R.M.W., 1994. A catalogue of British earthquakes, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/94/04.
Musson, R.M.W., 1994. Seismic hazard assessment for Portsmouth, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/94/07c.
Wright, F., Richards, J.A., Musson, R.M.W. and Henni, P.H.O., 1994. The Grange-over-Sands earthquake of 26 June 1993 (3.0 ML), BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/94/11.
Musson, R.M.W., Marrow, P.C. and Winter, P.W., 1994. Attenuation of earthquake ground motion in the UK, AEA Technology Report No AEA/CS/16422000/ZJ745/004.
Musson, R.M.W., 1994. The BGS Sub-Saharan African earthquake catalogue, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/94/28.
Vogt, J., Musson, R.M.W. and Stucchi, M., 1994. Seismological and hydrological criteria for the new European Macroseismic Scale (MSK-92), Natural Hazards, vol 10, pp 1-6.
Winter, P.W., Musson, R.M.W. and Ford, P.J., 1994. Preliminary site specific seismic hazard analysis for the Cernobyl NPP, AEA Technology Report No AEA/CS/16401821 /ZJ/J1582/P01.
Musson, R.M.W., 1994. The seismicity of Sutherland, Caithness and the Orkneys, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/94/32.
Musson, R.M.W., 1994. The seismicity of the British Isles, in Makropoulos, K. and Suhadolc, P., (eds), Proceedings of the ESC XXIV General Assembly, 1994 September 19-24, Athens, pp 303-304.
Musson, R.M.W., Grünthal, G. and Stucchi, M., 1994. Modern macroseismic practice: Recommendations for updating the Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice, in Makropoulos, K. and Suhadolc, P., (eds), Proceedings of the ESC XXIV General Assembly, 1994 September 19-24, Athens, pp 708-715.
Musson, R.M.W., 1994. Determination of parameters for historical British earthquakes, in Makropoulos, K. and Suhadolc, P., (eds), Proceedings of the ESC XXIV General Assembly, 1994 September 19-24, Athens, pp 1714-1715.
Haak, H.W., van Bodegraven, J.A., Sleeman, R., Verbeiren, R., Ahorner, L., Meidow, H., Grünthal, G., Hoang-Trong, P., Musson, R.M.W., Henni, P., Schenková, Z. and Zimová, R., 1995. The macroseismic map of the 1992 Roermond earthquake, the Netherlands, Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol 73, pp 265-270.
Musson, R.M.W., 1995. Report on the relicts of West Bromwich Observatory, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/95/20.
Musson, R.M.W., 1995. An earthquake catalogue for the Circum-Pannonian Basin, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/95/26.
Musson, R.M.W., 1995. A map of seismic energy release in China, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/95/26.
Musson, R.M.W., Grünthal, G. and Stucchi, M., 1995. Comment on "The 17 August 1991 Honeydew Earthquake: a Case for Revising the Modified Mercalli Scale in Sparsely Populated Areas" by Dengler and McPherson, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., vol 85 no 4, pp 1266-1267.
Musson, R.M.W., 1995. Historical seismicity of South China from European sources: example of the Hong Kong newspaper press, Acta Seismologica Sinica, vol 8, pp 487-490 (in Chinese).
Ritchie, M.A.E., Ford, G.D. and Musson, R.M.W., 1995. The Newtown earthquake of 17 March 1994 (3.1 ML), BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/95/35.
Musson, R.M.W., and Winter, P.W., 1996. Seismic hazard of the UK, AEA Technology Report No AEA/CS/16422000/ZJ745/005.
Musson, R.M.W., 1996. Roots and references for the UK earthquake catalogue, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/96/03.
Winter, P.W., Marrow, P.C. and Musson, R.M.W., 1996. A stochastic ground motion model for UK earthquakes, AEA Technology Report No GNSR(DTI)/P(96)275 Milestone ECS 0263, AEA/16423530/R003.
Musson, R.M.W., 1996. On the quality of intensity assignments from historical earthquake data, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/96/12.
Chadwick, R.A., Pharaoh, T.C., Williamson, J.P. and Musson, R.M.W., 1996. Seismotectonics of the UK, BGS Technical Report No WA/96/3.
Musson, R.M.W., 1996. The Barrow-in-Furness earthquake of 15 February 1865: Liquefaction from a very small magnitude event, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/96/21.
Musson, R.M.W., 1996. On the evaluation of macroseismic scales, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/96/22.
Musson, R.M.W., 1996. The seismicity of the British Isles, Annali di Geofisica, vol 39, no 3, pp 463-469.
Musson, R.M.W., 1996. On the quality of intensity assignments from historical earthquake data, in Thorkelsson, B., (ed) Seismology in Europe, Icelandic Met. Office, Reykjavik, pp 607-612.
Grünthal, G., Bosse, C., Musson, R.M.W., Gariel, J.-C., de Crook, T., Verbeiren, R., Camelbeeck, T., Mayer-Rosa, D. and Lenhardt, W., 1996. Joint seismic hazard assessment for the central and western part of GSHAP Region 3 (Central and Northwest Europe), in Thorkelsson, B., (ed) Seismology in Europe, Icelandic Met. Office, Reykjavik, pp 339-342.
Musson, R.M.W., 1996. Determination of parameters for historical British earthquakes, Annali di Geofisica, vol 39, no 5, pp 1041-1048.
Cecić, I., Musson, R.M.W., and Stucchi, M., 1996. Do seismologists agree upon epicentre determination from macroseismic data? A survey of ESC Working Group "Macroseismology", Annali di Geofisica, vol 39, no 5, pp 1013-1029.
Musson, R.M.W., 1996. An earthquake catalogue for the Circum-Pannonian Basin, in Papanikolaou, D. and Papoulia, J., (eds) Seismicity of the Carpatho-Balcan Region, Proc. XV Congress of the Carpatho-Balcan Geol. Ass., Athens, 17-20 Sep 1995, pp 233-238.
Musson, R.M.W., Pappin, J., Lubkowski, Z, Booth, E. and Long, D., 1997. UK Continental Shelf seismic hazard, Health and Safety Division Offshore Technology Report OTH 93 416.
Musson, R.M.W., 1997. Fake quakes in Britain, UKGA‑21 Abstracts, JAG Newsletter, p8.
Van Rose, S. and Musson, R.M.W., 1997. Earthquakes – our trembling planet, British Geological Survey, Nottingham.
Musson R.M.W. and Winter P.W., 1997. Seismic hazard maps for the UK, Natural Hazards, vol 14 pp 141‑154.
Musson, R.M.W., 1997. A Seismic Source Model For Seismic Hazard Mapping Studies For The Circum-Pannonian Basin And Surrounding Area, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/96/32.
Musson, R.M.W., 1997. Seismic hazard studies in the UK: Source specification problems of intraplate seismicity, Natural Hazards, vol 15, pp 105-119.
Musson, R.M.W., 1997. Chapter 15 (Intensity and intensity scales) of the new Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/96/33; also in Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of IASPEI, Aug 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, p379.
Musson, R.M.W., 1997. Generalised seismic hazard maps for the Pannonian Basin using probabilistic methods , Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of IASPEI, Aug 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, p283.
Musson, R.M.W., 1997. On the use of Monte Carlo simulation for seismic hazard assessment, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/96/34.
Musson, R.M.W., 1997. A self-parsing file format for earthquake catalogue and data files, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/96/37.
Musson, R.M.W., 1997. Potresna nevarnost v Veliki Britaniji, Ujma, vol 11, pp 91-93 (in Slovenian).
Kozák, J. and Musson, R.M.W., 1997. European earthquakes in the 18th century through contemporary pictorial documentation, Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol 150, pp 305-327.
Musson, R.M.W., 1997. Testing earthquake prediction results statistically, Seismological Research Letters, vol 68 no 6, pp 944-946.
Musson, R.M.W., 1998. Inference and assumption in historical seismology, Surveys in Geophysics, vol 19 no 2, pp 189-203.
Musson, R.M.W., 1998. A self-parsing file format for earthquake catalogue and data files, Seismological Research Letters, vol 69 no 3, pp 248-250.
Musson, R.M.W., 1998. On the use of Monte Carlo simulations for seismic hazard assessment, Proc. 6th US National Conf. on Eq. Eng., 12 pp.
Musson, R.M.W., 1998. Intensity assignments from historical earthquake data: issues of certainty and quality, Annali di Geofisica, vol 41, no 1, pp 79-91.
Musson, R.M.W., 1998. Historical seismicity of the Western Frontiers area, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/98/26.
Musson, R.M.W., 1998. Seismic hazard assessment for Damascus, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/98/27c.
Musson, R.M.W., 1998. The Barrow-in-Furness earthquake of 15 February 1865: Liquefaction from a very small magnitude event, Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol 152, pp 733-745.
Musson, R.M.W. and Ziska, H., 1998. A preliminary report on the seismicity of the Faroe Islands, BGS Global Seismology Report No WL/98/31.
Musson, R.M.W., 1999. Historical earthquakes in Britain, NERC News, Spring 1999, pp 16-17.
Jackson, P.D., Gunn, D.A., Stoker, M. Holmes, R., Hobbs, P.R.N., Long, D., Walker, A.B., & Musson, R.M.W., 1999. Impact of earthquake ground motion on the stability of slope sediments using existing ground models, BGS Tech Report No. WN/98/21C.
Musson, R.M.W., 1999. Methodological considerations of probabilistic seismic hazard mapping, IUGG 99 Birmingham Abstracts, vol B, p 16.
Musson, R.M.W., 1999. Comparison of some macroseismic epicentre location methods, IUGG 99 Birmingham Abstracts, vol B, p 185.
Musson, R.M.W., 1999. How to map an earthquake, Mapping News, No 15, pp 12-14.
Musson, R.M.W. and Henni, P.H.O., 1999. From questionnaires to intensities – Assessing free-form macroseismic data in the UK, Phys. Chem. Earth (A), vol 24 no 6, pp 511-515.
Main, I., Irving, D., Musson, R.M.W. and Reading, A., 1999. Constraints on the frequency-magnitude relation and maximum magnitudes in the UK from observed seismicity and glacio-isostatic recovery rates, Geophys. Jnl. Int., vol 137, pp 535-550.
Stucchi, M., Albini, P., Camassi, R., Musson, R.M.W. amd Tatevossian, R., 1999. Main results of the project “BEECD”: A Basic European Earthquake Catalogue and a Database for the evaluation of long-term seismicity and seismic hazard, Report to the EC, Project EV5V-CT94-0497.
Musson, R.M.W., 1999. Determination of design earthquakes in seismic hazard analysis through Monte Carlo simulation, Jnl. Eq. Eng., vol 3, pp 463-474.
Musson, R.M.W., 1999. Probabilistic seismic hazard maps for the North Balkan Region, Ann. Geofis., vol 42, pp 1109-1124.
Musson, R.M.W., 2000. Generalised seismic hazard maps for the Pannonian Basin using probabilistic methods, Pageoph., vol 157, pp 147-169.
Musson, R.M.W., Mikkelsen, T. and Ziska, H., 2000. Historical seismicity of the Faroe Islands, BGS Technical Report No. WL/00/04.
Musson, R.M.W., 2000. The use of Monte Carlo simulations for seismic hazard assessment in the UK, Annali di Geofisica, vol 43, pp 1-9.
Musson, R.M.W., 2000. Evaluation of seismic hazard source models, in Lapajne, J. and Vidrih, R. (eds), Seismicity modelling in seismic hazard mapping, Slovenian Geophysical Survey, Ljubljana, pp 53-66.
Musson, R.M.W., 2000. An illustrative seismic hazard and risk case: Nagoya, Japan, BGS Technical Report No. IR/00/15.
Dawson, A.G., Musson, R.M.W., I.D.L. Foster and D. Brunsden, 2000. Abnormal historic sea-surface fluctuations, SW England, Marine Geology, vol 170, pp 59-68.
Musson, R.M.W., 2000. On the transition from probabilistic seismic hazard to probabilistic seismic risk, Abstracts of the NATO Advanced Research Seminar, "Integration of earth sciences research on the 1999 Turkish and Greek earthquakes and needs for future co-operative research", Istanbul 14-17 May 2000, p122.
Jiménez, M.J., Giardini, D., Grünthal, G., Erdik, M., Garcia-Fernández, M., Lapajne, J., Makropoulos, K., Musson, R.M.W., Papaioannou, C., Riad, S., Sellami, S., Shapira, A., Slejko, D. and Eck, T. van, 2000. Unified seismic hazard modelling throughout the Mediterranean region, Abstracts and papers of the XXVII Gen. Ass. of the ESC, 10-15 Sep 2000, Lisbon, pp 93,96.
Musson, R.M.W., 2000. The historical seismicity of places with no earthquakes, Abstracts and papers of the XXVII Gen. Ass. of the ESC, 10-15 Sep 2000, Lisbon, p116.
Musson, R.M.W., 2000. The seismicity of Cornwall and Devon, Geoscience in South-West England, vol 10, pp 34-36.
Musson, R.M.W., 2000. Intensity-based seismic risk assessment, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol 20, pp 353-360.
Musson, R.M.W., 2001. M3C probabilistic seismic hazard assessment program using Monte Carlo simulation, BGS Technical Report No. IR/01/105R.
Musson, R.M.W. and Henni, P.H.O., 2001. Methodological considerations of probabilistic seismic hazard mapping, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol 21, pp 385-403.
Musson, R.M.W. and Holt, D.N., 2001. Napoleon’s earthquake: The seismicity of St Helena, Seis. Res. Letters, vol 72, pp 712-724.
Musson, R.M.W., Cecić, I. and Mayer-Rosa, D., 2001. Towards a macroseismic survey team for severe earthquakes in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, CSEM/EMSC Newsletter, No 17, pp 8-10.
Musson, R.M.W., Mikkelsen, T. and Ziska, H., 2001. Historical seismicity of the Faroe Islands, Annali di Geofisica, vol 44, pp 1031-1047.
Jiménez, M.J., Giardini, D., Grünthal, G., Erdik, M., García-Fernández, M., Lapajne, J., Makropoulos, K., Musson, R.M.W.,, Papaioannou, Ch., Rebez, A., Riad, S., Sellami, S., Shapira, A., Slejko, D., van Eck, T. and El Sayed, A., 2001. Unified seismic hazard modelling throughout the Mediterranean region, Boll. Geof. Teor. ed Applicata, vol 42, pp 3-18.
Tappin, D.R., Görür, N., Watts, P., Musson, R.M.W. and Evans R., 2002. The tsunami threat in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey: a review, in Görür, N., Papadopoulos, G.A. and Okay N. (eds) Integration of Earth Science Research on the Turkish and Greek 1999 Earthquakes, Kluwer NATO Science series, Dordrecht, pp 87-100.
Musson, R.M.W., Tsapanos, T. and Nakas, C.T., 2002. A power-law function for earthquake interarrival time and magnitude, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., vol 92, pp 1783-1794.
Musson, R.M.W., 2002. Wizmap II ISC edition: User’s Guide, BGS Technical Report No. IR/02/078.
Musson, R.M.W., 2002. Effective peak acceleration as a parameter for seismic hazard studies, in Proc. 12th European Conf. on Eq. Eng., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 10 pp.
Cecić, I. and Musson, R.M.W., 2002. The Field Investigation Team of the ESC: Proposals and present progress, CSEM/EMSC Newsletter, No 18, pp 9-10.
Musson, R.M.W., 2002. Historical earthquakes of the British Isles, in Lee, W.H.K., Kanamori, H., Jennings, P.C. and Kisslinger, C., (eds) International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, Academic Press, San Diego.
Musson, R.M.W. and Cecić, I., 2002. Macroseismology, in Lee, W.H.K., Kanamori, H., Jennings, P.C. and Kisslinger, C., (eds) International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, Academic Press, San Diego.
Musson, R.M.W., 2002. Intensity and Intensity Scales, in Bormann, P. (ed), New manual of seismological observatory practice (NMSOP), GFZ, Potsdam.
Musson, R.M.W. and Henni, P.H.O., 2002. The felt effects of the Carlisle earthquake of 26 December 1979, Scot. Jnl. Geol., vol 38, pp 113-126.
Musson, R.M.W., Bommer, J.J., Haynes, M. and Ferretti, A., 2002. Potential for application of PSInSAR data for tectonic modelling in subduction areas, Eos Trans. AGU, vol 83 pt 47, Fall Meet. Suppl., pF362.
Musson, R.M.W., 2002. The significance of absent earthquakes: What is the weight of a historian’s opinion? Eos Trans. AGU, vol 83 pt 47, Fall Meet. Suppl., pF1062.
Tsapanos, T., Galanis, O.Ch., Koravos, G.Ch. and Musson, R.M.W., 2002. A method for Bayesian estimation of the probability of local intensity for some cities in Japan, Ann. Geoph., vol 45, pp 657-671.
Koravos, G.Ch., Main, I.G., Tsapanos, T.M. and Musson, R.M.W., 2003. Maximum earthquake magnitudes in the Aegean area constrained by tectonic moment release rates, Geophys. Jnl. Int., vol 152, pp 94-112.
Musson, R.M.W., 2003. Fatalities in British earthquakes, Astronomy and Geophysics, vol 44, pp 14-16.
Musson, R.M.W., Haynes, M., Bommer, J.J. and Ferretti, A., 2003. PSInSAR as a resource for tectonic modelling in subduction areas, IUGG 2003 Sapporo, Japan Abstracts, pB.471.
Musson, R.M.W., 2003. Joint solution of seismicity parameters for seismic source zones through simulation, , IUGG 2003 Sapporo, Japan Abstracts, pB.510.
Koravos, G.C., Main, I.G., Tsapanos, T.M. and Musson, R.M.W., 2003. Perceptible earthquakes in the broad Aegean area, Tectonophysics, vol 371, pp 175-186.
Jackson, P., Gunn, D., Long, D., Musson, R.M.W., Lovell, M., Rees, J., Rochelle, C., Bateman, K., Hobbs, P., Nelder, V., 2004. Slope stability issues in hydrate bearing sediments under seismic loading, Abstracts, Oceanology International 2004 16-19 March 2004, London.
Cecić, I., and Musson, R.M.W., 2004. Macroseismic surveys in theory and practice, Natural Hazards, vol 31, pp 39-61.
Musson, R.M.W., 2004. Comment on “Communicating with uncertainty: A critical issue with probabilistic seismic hazard analysis”, EOS, vol 85 no 24, pp 235-236.
Musson, R.M.W., 2004. Joint solution of seismicity parameters for seismic source zones through simulation, Boll. Geofis. Teo. ed App., vol 45, pp 1-13.
Musson, R.M.W., Haynes, M. and Ferretti, A., 2004. Detection Of coseismic and preseismic deformation using PSInSAR: The Iwate-Ken Nairiku-Hokubu Earthquake Of 3 September 1998, ESC XXIX General Assembly Abstracts, Potsdam, p14.
Musson, R.M.W., Batllo, J., Dewey, J and Schweitzer, J., 2004. The IASPEI Working Group on Seismological Archives: a status report, ESC XXIX General Assembly Abstracts, Potsdam, p77.
Musson, R.M.W., 2004. An intensity hazard map for the UK, ESC XXIX General Assembly Abstracts, Potsdam, p155.
Sargeant, S.L. and Musson, R.M.W., 2004. Attenuation of PGA from small UK earthquakes, ESC XXIX General Assembly Abstracts, Potsdam, p202.
Musson, R.M.W., 2004. Implementation of upper bounds on strong ground motion in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, ESC XXIX General Assembly Abstracts, Potsdam, p205.
Cecić, I., and Musson, R.M.W., 2004. Macroseismic surveys in theory and practice, ESC XXIX General Assembly Abstracts, Potsdam, p209.
Musson, R.M.W., 2004. Objective validation of seismic hazard source models, Proc. 13th World Conf. On Eq. Eng., Vancouver, paper No 2492.
Musson, R.M.W., Haynes, M. and Ferretti, A., 2004. Space-based tectonic modelling in subduction areas using PSInSAR, Seis. Res. Letters, vol 75, pp 598-606.
Albini, P., García Acosta, V., Musson, R.M.W. and Stucchi, M. (eds), 2004. Investigating the records of past earthquakes, Proc. 21st Course of the Int. School of Geoph., Erice, Sicily, Jul 2002, Annals of Geophysics, vol 47 nos 2-3, 911 pp.
Musson, R.M.W., 2004. A critical history of British earthquakes, in Albini, P., García Acosta, V., Musson, R.M.W. and Stucchi, M. (eds), Investigating the records of past earthquakes, Proc. 21st Course of the Int. School of Geoph., Erice, Sicily, Jul 2002, Annals of Geophysics, vol 47 nos 2-3, pp 597-610.
Jackson, P., Gunn, D., Long, D., Lovell, M., Musson, R.M.W., Hobbs, P., Rees, J., Rochelle, C., Bateman, K., Nelder, V., 2004. Slope stability issues in hydrate bearing sediments under seismic loading, Abstracts, AAPG Hedberg Conference 12-16 September 2004, Vancouver.
Musson, R.M.W., 2004. Design earthquakes in the UK, Bull. Eq. Eng., vol 2 pp 101-112.
Musson, R.M.W., 2005. Faulting and hazard in low seismicity areas, in OECD, Stability and buffering capacity of the geosphere for long-term isolation of radioactive waste, Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, pp 61-66.
Musson, R.M.W., 2005. Intensity attenuation in the UK, Journal of Seismology, vol 9 no 1, pp 73-86.
Musson, R.M.W., 2005. Undead earthquakes, Journal of Seismology, vol 9 no 1, pp 111-114.
Musson, R.M.W., 2004. Early seismicity of the Scottish Border region, Annals of Geophysics, vol 47 no 6, pp 1827-1848.
Musson, R.M.W., 2005. Earthquake engineering on the Internet: Earthquake catalogues, SECED Newsletter, vol 18 no 3, pp 10-11.
Musson, R.M.W., 2005. Assessing earthquake risk, Earthwise, no 22, pp 24-25.
Musson, R.M.W., 2005. Against fractiles, Earthquake Spectra, vol 21 no 3, pp 887-891.
Musson, R.M.W., 2005. Comment by R.M.W. Musson on “Comparison between probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and flood frequency analysis”, Eos, vol 86 no 39, p354.
Musson, R.M.W., Toro, G.R., Coppersmith, K.J., Bommer, J.J., Deichmann, N., Bungum, H., Cotton, F., Scherbaum, F., Slejko, D. and Abrahamson, N.A., 2005. Evaluating hazard results for Switzerland and how not to do it: A discussion of “Problems in the application of the SSHAC probability method for assessing earthquake hazards at Swiss nuclear power plants” by J-U. Klügel, Engineering Geology, vol 82 no 1, pp 43-55.
Musson, R.M.W., 2005. The seismicity of Wales, in Bassett, M.G., Deisler, V.K. and Nichols, D. (eds), Urban Geology in Wales: 2, National Museum of Wales Geological series No 24, Cardiff, pp 90-98.
Musson, R.M.W., 2006. Blast intensity, SECED Newsletter, vol 19 no 2, pp 9-10.
Musson, R.M.W., 2006. Automatic assessment of EMS-98 intensities, British Geological Survey Technical Report, IR/06/048.
Musson, R.M.W., 2006. Webb’s observations of earthquakes, in, Robinson, J. and Robinson, M., The Stargazer of Hardwicke: The life and work of Thomas William Webb, Gracewing, Leominster, pp 85-100.
Musson, R.M.W., 2006. The enigmatic Bala earthquake of 1974, Astronomy & Geophysics, vol 47 no 5, pp 11-15.
Musson, R.M.W., 2005. On the perceptibility of earthquakes, Journal of Seismology, vol 10, pp 157-162.
Musson, R.M.W., Northmore, K.J., Sargeant, S.L., Phillips, E.R., Boon, D., Long, D., McCue, K. and Ambraseys, N.N., 2006. The geology and geophysics of the United Arab Emirates, Volume 4: Geological hazards, British Geological Survey, Keyworth.
Musson, R.M.W., Grünthal, G. and Stucchi, M., 2006. Conversions between older intensity scales and EMS-98, Abstracts of the 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, 3-8 September 2006, p9.
Musson, R.M.W., 2006. EMS-98 as a tool for loss estimation, Abstracts of the 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, 3-8 September 2006, p309.
Musson, R.M.W., 2006. Impact of epistemic uncertainty on seismic hazard estimates, Abstracts of the 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, 3-8 September 2006, p457.
Sargeant, S.L. and Musson, R.M.W., 2006. Observations from regressions of ground motion data from Britain and North-western Europe, Abstracts of the 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, 3-8 September 2006, p462.
Musson, R.M.W., 2006. Possible extreme UK earthquake events hidden in the historical record, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol 8, no. 02595.
Walker, A.B. and Musson, R.M.W., 2007. Kent rocked, Geoscientist, vol 17, no 6, p6.
Musson, R.M.W. and Walker, A.B., 2007. Folkestone earthquake 28 April 2007, SECED Newsletter, vol 20, no 2, pp 1-2.
Musson, R.M.W., 2007. Macroseismic effects of the 2007 Cape St Vincent earthquake from the EMSC online questionnaire, CSEM/EMSC Newsletter, No 22, pp 30-31.
Wilson, C., Horsburgh, K.J., Baptie, B.J., Cooper, A., Cresswell, D., Musson, R.M.W., Ottemöller, L., Richardson, S., Sargeant, S.L., 2008. Processes affecting tsunamis propagating towards wide continental shelves, and their role in coastal impacts, Abstracts of the IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, 2-13 July 2008, No 1787.
Musson, R.M.W. and Sargeant, S.L., 2007. The 2007 UK national seismic hazard map, Abstracts of the IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, 2-13 July 2008, No 6288.
Musson, R.M.W., 2007. Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) and other recent ground motion models applied to the UK, Abstracts of the IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, 2-13 July 2008, No 6368.
Musson, R.M.W., 2007. A little historical information changes the tectonic interpretation: the mystery of the Western Makran, Abstracts of the IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, 2-13 July 2008, No 6483.
Musson, R.M.W. and Sargeant, S.L., 2007. Eurocode 8 seismic hazard zoning maps for the UK, British Geological Survey Technical Report, CR/07/125.
Musson, R.M.W., 2007. British earthquakes, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, vol 118, pp 305-337
McCue, K.F., Musson, R.M.W. and Gibson, G., 2007. A comparison of the seismicity of the UK and southeastern Australia, Proceedings of the 2007 Conference of the Australian Earthquake Engineering Society, Wollongong, Paper No 37.
Horsburgh, K.J., Wilson, C., Baptie, B.J., Cooper, A., Cresswell, D., Musson, R.M.W., Ottemöller, L., Richardson, S., Sargeant, S.L., 2008. Impact of a Lisbon-type tsunami on the U.K. coastline and the implications for tsunami propagation over broad continental shelves, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 113, C04007, doi:10.1029/2007JC004425.
Musson, R.M.W., Jiménez, M.J. and Gomez Capera, A.A., 2017. Macroseismic estimation of earthquake parameters, British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/08/004.
Musson, R.M.W., Jiménez, M.J. and Gomez Capera, A.A., 2017. Earthquake parameter estimation from historical macroseismic data, Seismological Research Letters, vol 79, no, 2, p313.
Gilles, S., Musson, R.M.W., Bossu, R., Wald, D.J. and Quitoriano, V., 2008. A comparison of EMS and MMI macroseismic intensity assignments from online questionnaires, Seismological Research Letters, vol 79, no, 2, p321.
Musson, R.M.W., 2008. Earthquake in Lincolnshire, 27 February 2008, Deposits, No 14, pp 36-40.
Musson, R.M.W. and Winter, P.W., 2008. Objective assessment of source models for seismic hazard studies, British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/08/053.
Musson, R.M.W., 2008. The Macroseismic Survey of the 27 February 2008 Market Rasen Earthquake, SECED Newsletter, vol 20 no 4, pp 1-5.
Sargeant, S.L., Stafford, P.J., Lawley, R., Weatherill, G., Weston, A.-J.S., Bommer, J.J., Burton, P.W., Free, M., Musson, R.M.W., Kuuyuor, T. and Rossetto T., 2008. Observations from the Folkestone, U.K., Earthquake of 28 April 2007, Seismological Research Letters, vol 79, no, 5, pp 672-687.
Musson, R.M.W., 2008. The case for large (M > 7) earthquakes felt in the UK in historical times, in: Fréchet, J., Meghraoui, M. and Stucchi, M., Historical seismology: Interdisciplinary studies of past and recent earthquakes, Springer, Dordrecht, pp 187-208.
Musson, R.M.W., 2008.The sesimicity of the British Isles to 1600, British Geological Survey Technical Report, OR/08/049.Musson, R.M.W., 2008. Some notes on regional variations in intensity attenuation, Abstracts of the 31st General Assembly of the ESC, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 7-12 September 2008.
Musson, R.M.W., Wald, D.J., Quitoriano, V., Gilles, S., Camelbeeck, T. and Blake, T. 2008. Combining macroseismic data from multiple online sources: Example of the 27 February 2008 Market Rasen (UK) Earthquake, Abstracts of the 31st General Assembly of the ESC, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 7-12 September 2008.
Musson, R.M.W. and Jiménez M-J. 2008. Earthquake parameter estimation from historical macroseismic data for the European-Mediterranean area, Abstracts of the 31st General Assembly of the ESC, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 7-12 September 2008.
Musson, R.M.W. and Jiménez M-J. 2008. Macroseismic estimation of earthquake parameters, NERIES project report, Module NA4, Deliverable D3, Edinburgh, 38 pp.
Musson, R.M.W., Sargeant S.L. and Ottemöller, L. 2009. Aftershock activity in the UK, Abstracts of the 35th General Assembly of IASPEI, Cape Town, South Africa, 10-16 January 2009.
Musson, R.M.W. and Holt, D.N. 2009. Seismicity of St Helena, Abstracts of the 35th General Assembly of IASPEI, Cape Town, South Africa, 10-16 January 2009.
Musson, R.M.W., 2009. World earthquakes, Deposits, No 17, pp 34-39.
Musson, R.M.W., 2009. Subduction in the Western Makran: The historian’s contribution, Jnl. Geol. Soc., vol 166, pp 387-391.
Sargeant, S.L. and Musson, R.M.W., 2009. Rotational earthquake effects in the United Kingdom, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., vol 99, pp 1475-1479.
Musson, R.M.W., Sellami, S. and Brüstle, W., 2009. Preparing a seismic hazard model for Switzerland: The view from PEGASOS Expert Group 3 (EG1c), Swiss J. Geosci., vol 102, pp 107-120.
Musson, R.M.W., 2009. Ground motion and probabilistic hazard, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol 7 no 3, pp 575-590.
Musson, R.M.W., 2009. MEEP 2.0 User Guide, British Geological Survey Open-file Report, OR/09/045.
Musson, R.M.W., Grünthal, G. and Stucchi, M., 2010. The comparison of macroseismic intensity scales, Journal of Seismology, vol 14, pp 413-428.
Musson, R.M.W., 2010. Draft standard internet macroseismic questionnaire, 32nd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), Montpellier, Book of Abstracts and Papers.
Musson, R.M.W., 2010. Interpreting intraplate tectonics for seismic hazard: A UK historical perspective, 32nd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), Montpellier, Book of Abstracts and Papers.
Musson, R.M.W., 2010. The earliest earthquake records of the British Isles, 32nd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), Montpellier, Book of Abstracts and Papers.
Musson, R.M.W., 2010. Conservatism in intraplate PSHA studies, Proceedings of the Ninth U.S. National and Tenth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, 25-29 July 2010, Paper # 286.
Musson, R.M.W., 2010. General levels of seismic hazard in the UK, SECED Newsletter, vol 22, pp 6-9.
Musson, R.M.W., 2011. Great earthquakes, in Gupta, H. (ed), Encyclopaedia of solid earth geophysics, Springer, Dordrecht, pp 561-568.
Musson, R.M.W., 2011. Assessment of activity rates for seismic source zones, SHARE Report, Deliverable 3.7a.
Musson, R.M.W., Wössner, J., Danciu, L., Bungum, H. and Basili, R., 2011. Activity rates for seismic sources, SHARE Report, Deliverable 3.7b.
Arvidsson, R. and Grünthal, G., and the SHARE Working Group on the Seismic Source Zone Model, 2011. Compilation of existing regional and national seismic source zones Compilation of existing regional and national seismic source zones, SHARE Report, Deliverable 3.1.
Musson, R.M.W. and Winter, P.W., 2011. Objective assessment of source models for seismic hazard studies: with a worked example from UK data, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s10518-011-9299-6.
Musson, R.M.W., 2011. UK seismic hazard assessments for strategic facilities: A short history, Proceedings of the GNGTS 30th National Convention, Trieste, 14-17 November 2011, pp 226-228.
Albini, P., Rovida, A., Gomez Capera, A.A., Locati, M., Musson, R.M.W., Vigano, D. and Stucchi, M., 2011. Global Earthquake Model Hazard Global Components “Global Earthquake History”: Annual progress report, Report to Gem Foundation.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. PSHA validated by quasi observational means, Seismological Research Letters, vol 83 No 1, pp 130-134.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. Interpreting intraplate tectonics for seismic hazard: A UK historical perspective, Journal of Seismology, vol 16, pp 261-273.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. Seismicity of Ghana, BGS Open Report, OR/12/042.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. Probability in PSHA: Reply to “Comment on ‘PSHA Validated by Quasi-Observational Means’ by Z. Wang”, Seismological Research Letters, vol 83, pp 717-719.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. Two neglected great earthquakes in South Asia, BGS Open Report, OR/12/061.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. A introduction to SSHAC, SECED Newsletter, vol 23, no 4, pp 1-4.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. A provisional catalogue of historical earthquakes in Indonesia, BGS Open Report, OR/12/073.
Stucchi, M., Rovida, A., Gomez Capera, A.A., Alexandre, P., Camelbeeck, T., Demircioglu, M.B., Gasperini, P. Kouskouna V., Musson, R.M.W., Radulian, M., Sesetyan, K., Vilanova, S., Baumont, D., Bungum, H.,. Fäh, D., Lenhardt, W., Makropoulos, K., Martinez Solares, J.M. Scotti, O., Živčić, M., Albini, P., Batllo, J., Papaioannou, C., Tatevossian, R., Locati, M., Meletti, C., Viganò, D. and Giardini, D., 2012. The SHARE European Earthquake Catalogue (SHEEC) 1000–1899, Journal of Seismology, DOI 10.1007/s10950-012-9335-2.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. Large historical earthquakes in Australia, BGS Open Report, OR/12/074.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. On the nature of logic trees in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, Earthquake Spectra, vol 28, pp 1291-1296.
Musson, R.M.W., 2012. The million death quake, Macmillan, New York City.
Albini, P., Musson, R.M.W., Gomez Capera, A.A., Locati, M., Rovida, A., Stucchi, M. and Viganò, D., 2012. Global Historical Earthquake Archive and Catalogue, GEM Technical Report 2013-01 v1.0.0..
Musson, R.M.W. 2013. Updated intensity attenuation for the UK, BGS Open Report, OR/13/029.
Musson, R.M.W. 2013. A history of British seismology, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol 11, pp 715-861.
Giardini, D., Wössner, J., Danciu, L., Crowley, H., Cotton, F., Grünthal, G., Pinho, R., Valensise, G., Akkar, S., Arvidsson, R., Basili, R., Cameelbeeck, T., Campos-Costa, A., Douglas, J., Demircioglu, M.B., Erdik, M., Fonseca, J., Glavatovic, B., Lindholm, C., Makropoulos, K., Meletti, C., Musson, R.M.W., Pitilakis, K., Sesetyan, K., Stromeyer, D., Stucchi, M. and Rovida, A. 2013. Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe (SHARE): Online Data Resource, doi: 10.12686/SED-00000001-SHARE..
Musson, R.M.W. 2014. UK seismic hazard assessments for strategic facilities: a short history. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, vol 55, pp 165-173.
Albini, P., Musson, R.M.W., Rovida, A., Locati, M., Gomez Capera, A.A. and Viganò, D., 2014. The Global Earthquake History. Earthquake Spectra, vol 30, pp 607-624.
Aspinall, W. and Musson, R.M.W. 2014. Selfridge’s seismograph, Seismological Research Letters, vol 85, pp 361-364.
Wössner, J., Laurentiu, D., Giardini, D., Crowley, H., Cotton, F., Grünthal, G., Valensise, G., Arvidsson, R., Basili, R., Demirciolgu, M.B., Hiemer, S., Meletti, C., Musson, R.M.W., Rovida, A., Sesetyan, K., and Stucchi, M. 2015. The 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model: key components and results. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol 13, pp 3553-3596.
Musson, R.M.W. 2015. Interpreting Seismotectonics for Seismic Hazard in Intraplate Areas: The British Isles as a Case Study, Abstracts of the Colloquium Historical Earthquakes of the Rhine Graben, 11 – 13 May 2015 Strasbourg.
Musson, R.M.W. 2015. Revolution and continuity: Seismology in the 20th century, Abstracts of the IUGG/IASPEI 38th General Assembly, Prague.
Musson, R.M.W. 2015. Bipartite earthquake magnitude-frequency distributions, Abstracts of the IUGG/IASPEI 38th General Assembly, Prague.
Musson, R.M.W. 2015. The ISC: Ancestry and origins, Abstracts of the IUGG/IASPEI 38th General Assembly, Prague.
Musson, R.M.W. 2015. Data in danger: The Worldwide Standard Seismograph Network, Abstracts of the IUGG/IASPEI 38th General Assembly, Prague.
Musson, R.M.W. 2015. Historical earthquakes and the problem of catalogue completeness, Abstracts of the IUGG/IASPEI 38th General Assembly, Prague.
Musson, R.M.W. 2015. What was the largest British earthquake? Proceedings of the SECED 2015 Conference: Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World 9-10 July 2015, Cambridge.